Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Want a Ferrari for Christmas? You Can Have One for $40

Have you finished your Christmas shopping for this year? If not, it is still time to pick up your very own Ferrari for about $40. The Ferrari we are referring too is the Ferrari Perfume and Ferrari Cologne. You didn't think we were talking about the Ferrari vehicle did you? Maybe a Ferrari model car!

Ever seen the Ferrari Fragrances on the shelves of your local mall perfume counter? You too can feel fresh-and-so-clean in your very own Ferrari… fragrance while driving your Ford focus. Either way you would have purchased an authentic Ferrari product and still have money to buy your significant-other something special.

It does not stop at just purchasing any old fragrance but a Ferrari fragrance with several color (scent) options just like the actual car. I guess Ferrari wants to give everyone that same buying experience but without sacrificing an arm leg and first born.

You can purchase your very own Ferrari in Ferrari Black, Ferrari Red, Ferrari Yellow, Ferrari Racing, Ferrari Extreme and even Ferrari Passion… OHHH! So if you can't foot the bill on a Ferrari car, you can settle for the authentic Ferrari Perfume and be just as cool. That is if people actually recognize the distinctive scent of Ferrari Perfumes or Colognes otherwise you're just another smelly guy or gal in a Ford Focus. And NO… it does not smell like the exhaust fumes of a Ferrari so don't even ask!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


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